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Multivariate data analysis: Concrete Density and Strength, 40 data

Updated: Sep 24, 2023

We have a dataset of 40 data of concrete, density and strength.

The focus here is Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of the dataset:

  • statistics of the 2 features

  • histograms, scatter plots

  • coefficient of correlation and linear regression between the data

At first, we import the main libraries that we will use


1 import numpy as np 2 from OpenAIUQ import Stat as sta

In Line 1 we import numpy, in Line 2 we import the module Stat from OpenAIUQ. The prefix of Stat is sta.

LOAD THE DATASET (40 data of concrete data)

1 dataset=np.loadtxt('concrete40.txt') 2 features_all=['density','strength'] 3 concrete=sta.data2(dataset,features=features_all) 4 concrete.disp_summary()

In Line 1 we load the dataset (40 data of concrete density and concrete strength), like a 2darray (40,2). In Line 2 we name the features (list). In Line 3 we associate the object concrete (type=sta.data2) to the dataset. To check the main statistical properties of the sample in Line 5 we use the method disp.summary.

It is seen that the concrete density ranges from min=2411 kg/m3 to max=2488 Kg/m3. This implies that a good range of analysis for the density can be x=[2400, 2500] Kg/m3. The sample mean is m=2444.93 Kg/m3, with coefficient of variation v=1% showing a low degree of variability. The concrete strength ranges from min=49.90 MPa to max=69.50 MPa. This implies that a good range of analysis for the density can be y=[50, 70] MPa. The sample mean is m=60.14 MPa, with coefficient of variation v=8%, which is a typical value of uncertainty for strengths.

The attribute concrete.d of sta.data2 is a list of objects sta.data1. They are stored in the same order of the columns of the dataset. Each one of them collects all the information of the single features.

1 density=concrete.d[0] 2 edges=np.arange(2410,2500,10) 3 density.plot_hist(bins=edges) 4 5'density $(kg/m^3)$'); 6 fig_density_hist=density.fig

In Line 1 we associate to the object density the first element (data type=sta.data1) of the list concrete.d. In Lines 2-6 we plot the corresponding histogram.

1 strength=concrete.d[1] 2 edges=np.arange(50,72.5,2.5) 3 strength.plot_hist(bins=edges) 4 5 6'strength $(kg/m^3)$'); 7 fig_strength_hist=strength.fig

In Lines 1-7 we plot the histograms of the feature strength (data type=sta.data1)

Once we have described the univariate data (density and strength) we need to describe the correlations between the features.


1 concrete.plot(x0=0, y0=1)

In Line 1 we apply the method plot to the object concrete (sta.data2). The parameters x0=0 and y0=1 mean that we choose to represent in the x-axis the first column (index=0) and in the y-axis the second column (index=1). If no other option is selected, the method plot provides the scatter plot.


1 concrete.plot_corr(heatmap='yes',output='yes')

In Line 1 we apply the method plot_corr to the object concrete (sta.data2). The option heatmap='yes' prints the heatmap of the correlation matrix, while the option output='yes' prints the matrix of correlation on the screen.


1 concrete.plot(x0=0,y0=1,regression='yes')

In Line 1 we apply the method plot to the object concrete (sta.data2). The option regression=yes is included. Therefore the regression line is represented.

These figures describe the presence of correlation between concrete density and strength. The value is r=0.44 (mid value of correlation). It is positive, this means that the strength increases with the density, and this makes sense from physical point of view.


1 concrete.plot(x0=0,y0=1,hist='yes',regression='yes')

In Line 1 we apply the method plot to the object concrete (sta.data2). The options hist=yes and regression=yes are included. In this case the plot provides scatter plot, histograms of the chosen features, and represents the regression line. This plot is based on jointplot of seaborn.


1 concrete.plot(pair='yes')

In Line 1 we apply the method plot to the object concrete (sta.data2). The option pair=yes show the pairplot of seaborn, where scatter plots and histograms are paired in the plot.

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